Once implantation and conception has successfully taken place, the next focus is to nourish the female to prevent miscarriage.
50% of IVF/IUI conceptions result in miscarriage, we believe this is due to the chemically-focussed procedure that looks at quantity rather than quality of both the eggs and overall fertility health of the patient.
Clearly, as IVF or IUI was necessary there is a deficiency in the fertility health of either the male or female or both, these issues can also cause problems in the period following conception, that is during pregnancy, perhaps also during labour and post-natally. In any case, acupuncture and TCM treatment can significantly promote healthy development of the baby through full-term by continuing to nourish the foetus in these sensitive and early stages of growth and development.
If you experience any abnormal bleeding or spotting, please contact the clinic straight away for an emergency appointment. You will be seen on that day (even on weekends!) 01387 951187